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Reports: Cosco wants to hold Piraeus port authority BoD meetings in China, Hong Kong; Greek fund awaits legal opinions

By A. Tsimplakis [email protected] The “honeymoon phase” in relations between Chinese multinational Cosco and Greece’s privatization fund (HRADF) regarding the Piraeus Port Authority (PPA), which the former assumed last August,…

Ankara continues ‘gunboat diplomacy’ in bid to prevent hydrocarbon research in Cyprus’ EEZ

A Turkish frigate, identified as the Gökçeada, was reportedly shadowing a survey ship commissioned to begin exploratory drilling in block 11 of Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ), part of Ankara’s…

Varoufakis: ‘Parallel payment’ presented to SYRIZA leadership as far back as 2013

Controversial former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis said his idea for a “parallel system” of payments was greeted quite positively when he presented it as far back as 2013 to…

Serbian President Vučić again laments previous Belgrade recognition of fYRoM under constitutional name

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić on Thursday lamented the fact that Belgrade had previously recognized the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (fYRoM) under its constitutional name, i.e. “Macedonia”, something that Athens…

HOTREC: Greece in Europe’s ‘Top 3’ as a destination for fine cuisine, variety of foods

By L. Karageorgos [email protected] The tourism and travel sector continues to shine as a beacon for present and future economic growth in Greece, with a recent major study showing that…

Two instances of Turkish warplanes flying over Greek islets reported on Wed.

Greek military authorities on Wednesday reported two separate instances of Turkish warplanes flying over Greek islets in the eastern Aegean, which are violations of national air space and infringement of…

Thessaloniki port authority posts 14 mln€ in profits for 2016

The Thessaloniki Port Authority on Friday announced net profits of 14 million euros for 2016, with pre-tax profits reaching 21 million euros. Turnover fell by 5.54 percent to total 48…

EasyJet flight to Cyprus diverted to Turkey due to weather, prevented by Turkish authorities from resuming route

An easyJet plane carrying 184 passengers from London Gatwick to Larnaca on Friday that had to be diverted to a Turkish airport due to poor weather conditions over the east…

Next stage of Thessaloniki Port Authority tender in mid April: reports

By V. Vegiri [email protected] Which two of the three consortia that has submitted a bid for purchasing a majority stake in the Thessaloniki Port Authority (OL.Th) will continue into the…

Not taking Europe for granted

Susanna Vogt Head of Greece Office Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung 60 years after the signing of the Treaties of Rome the European Union has to open a thorough and serious debate on its…

Capital Ship Management Corp. achieves MRV assessment from LRQA

Capital Ship Management Corp. on Thursday announced that the company’s completed its first accredited assessment this month of a MRV monitoring plan for the vessel M/T Alkiviadis. In a press…

First round of Cyprus negotiations end without progress; obstacles detailed

By Giorgos Kentas*  Even from the first day of negotiations in Geneva last week (Jan. 9) it appeared that the two communities on Cyprus are not only unable to bridge…

Varoufakis: Tsipras has taken path that will not end well

Contentious former Greek minister Yianis Varoufakis struck again this week from Athens, grimly predicting that his former political ally, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, faces a bleak future. “The path…

US envoy Pyatt: Greek economic recovery underway; uncertainty discourages investment

By Vassilis Kostoulas  [email protected] US ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt pointed to uncertainty as the biggest obstacle in attracting investments to Greece, speaking on Tuesday to a small group of local reporters.…

Last hurdle cleared to sell state’s 5% stake in telephony utility to DT

A memorandum obligation to transfer a 5-percent equity share held by the Greek state in the previously state-controlled telephony utility (OTE) to the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) cleared…

Greece posts worst figure in terms of debt-GDP ratio of EU’s 28

Βy N. Bellos Greece’s foreign debt reached 179.2 percent of GDP in the second quarter of 2016, or 315.29 billion euros in absolute terms, by far the worst performance amongst…

Forever 21 to debut in Greece in 2017

Forever 21, the fifth largest fashion retailer in the United States, plans to begin operations in Greece in the first half of 2017. In September, Forever 21 opened four new…

Broadcast television license furor erupts into allegations of blackmail, hacking of judge’s emails

A raging political furor involving broadcast licensing dramatically intensified this week with opposition allegations of blackmail and illegal eavesdropping of high court justices ruling on whether a controversial law giving…

Erdogan: Turkey gave away Aegean islands in 1923

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took a direct swipe at the Turkish republic’s Kemalist lineage on Thursday, and by extension engaged in an eyebrow-raising exercise in revisionist history. “We gave…

Report: ‘Cutter’ will derive 60% of spending cuts from public sector wages, pensions if activated

By N. Bellos A fiscal “sword of Damocles”, which hangs over Greece’s finances in the form of an automatic spending cut mechanism, will mostly affect public sector wages and pension…

Unmanned commercial vessels: the next fundamental innovation in the shipping industry?

Ocean-going shipping has witnessed tremendous strides in technological advances over the recent decades, transforming an all-important sector once considered a “blue-collar” and “old guard” domain into an increasingly advanced form…

ECB restores waiver for Greek bonds as collateral

The ECB on Wednesday decided to reinstate a waiver that allows Greek lenders to use Greek bonds as collateral, a long-anticipated measure that the government and capital control-plagued domestic banking…

Expected evacuation of makeshift refugee camp at Idomeni begins

A long-expected evacuation of a makeshift refugee camp at the Idomeni site on Greece’s northern border began on Tuesday, with the first of 600 third country nationals transported out of…

Community source: First review deal mostly completed, debt relief much more difficult

By N. Bellos Completion of the now delayed first review of the Greek program (third bailout) and a possible agreement on Greek debt relief at next week’s Eurogroup meeting are…

One-month extension in tender to privatize Greek rail operator; investors reportedly eyeing first review

By F. Zois   A third consecutive extension, until late June, of an international tender to privatize Greece’s rail operator followed requests by interested investors, who reportedly cited pressing deadlines…

Greek govt refers to ‘agreement in principle’ with creditors; also cites ‘mechanism’ for automatic cuts

The government on Sunday evening referred to an agreement, in principle, with creditors over various issues repeatedly discussed in negotiations to conclude a first review of the Greek program, in…

Mitsotakis: Tsipras, his coterie must leave as soon as possible

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Sunday reiterated his call for Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and “his coterie” to step down as soon as possible, essentially calling…

Political leaders clash in Parliament; ND ahead in latest opinion poll

A Parliament debate on Friday over a proposal to establish a committee of inquiry to probe political parties’ finances as well as bank loans to parties and mass media in…

Veropoulos group aims to link super market operation with Jumbo toy stores in Serbian, fYRoM markets

By Danae Alexaki The opening of the first Jumbo toy retailer in Serbia will inaugurate the Veropoulos group’s exclusive activity outside Greece after the well-known and family-run company’s exit from…

Next deportation of irregular migrants set for Friday; arrivals from Turkey continue

The repatriation of third country nationals who illegally entered Greece from Turkey will apparently resume on Friday, nevertheless, more arrivals of Mideast war refugees and irregular migrants exploiting the refugee…

Flurry of phone contacts in wake of Wikileaks-IMF furor over Greek program

A dispatch by Wikileaks over a reputed very “hard line” by the IMF vis-à-vis the Greek program led to a flurry of high-profile phone contacts over the weekend, with Greek…

Gov’t: 50K war refugees, other migrants now in Greece

A total of 50,411 refugees and newly arrived migrants are currently in Greece, according to official figures released on Monday by the Greek government. Of those, nearly 14,000 remain in…

DM: Greece to allow refueling of NATO patrol vessels at any of its ports

Athens will allow NATO vessels participating in patrols to prevent migrant smuggling from Turkey to the Greek islands the opportunity to refuel at any Greek port. The relevant defence minister,…