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Construction of a cluster of Greek high-definition earth observation satellites

(Πηγή φωτ. Υπ. Ψηφιακής Διακυβέρνησης)

The contract was signed in an open official ceremony in the presence of the Minister of Digital Governance, Dimitris Papastergiou

Open Cosmos and the European Space Agency (ESA) signed an agreement for the construction of a cluster of Greek high-definition multispectral earth observation satellites, within the framework of the Hellenic Space Program.

The specific program aimed at building an advanced satellite cluster demonstrates the government’s commitment to strengthening space programs, producing an economic and environmental footprint for Greece and European citizens in general. The data collected by the Greek satellites will contribute to the efficiency of public services, monitoring the environment and the effects of climate change, combating marine pollution and increasing the efficiency of agriculture.

The contract was signed in an open official ceremony in the presence of the Minister of Digital Governance, Dimitris Papastergiou.

The Minister of Digital Governance emphasized that “as a country, we are implementing such a space program for the first time, and this is of great importance, as we planned it from the beginning, in order to respond to a number of critical national needs. Through the deployment of microsatellite clusters we will have valuable near-real-time data that will contribute to timely decision-making and policy-making in important areas such as civil protection. For example, these seven microsatellites will provide us with multispectral data that will cover the entire Greek territory every day. In this way we will monitor the changes in the environment over time. At a time when we are constantly experiencing the effects of the climate crisis worldwide, we are utilizing the resources of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and investing in space, acquiring a unique ‘technological toolbox’. Based on its help, we will protect human lives and nature. At the same time, through the program the Greek space industry is strengthened with significant benefits for the economy and society.”

On his part, Rafel Jorda Siquier, founder and CEO of Open Cosmos, pointed out that “we are honored and extremely proud of having been selected for such a critical program for Greece. We faced competition from some of the world’s leading players in the space industry, and the fact that we secured this project is a testament to the hard work of everyone at Open Cosmos and advanced satellite technology. Carrying out this project will place us at the forefront of satellite data providers, paving the way for further collaborations and developing OpenConstellation.”