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Beauty products fill the digital basket: Online shopping for cosmetics is gaining ground

(φωτ. αρχείου)

According to a study by FocusBari, beauty, fashion and wellness stand out as the most popular online destinations for Greek women, who are significantly evolving their online habits with health and wellness trends constantly gaining ground

The digital channel in the cosmetics sector is on the rise, recording positive performance, especially among the younger Greek consumers. The transition to online shopping is clear, showing the strong preference of Greek women for digital experience in the consumption sector.

According to a study by FocusBari, beauty, fashion and wellness stand out as the most popular online destinations for Greek women, who are significantly evolving their online habits with health and wellness trends constantly gaining ground.

As the data shows, their digital basket is filled with fashion, beauty gadgets and products, reflecting modern market priorities. At the same time, they are informed about new trends and beauty products mainly through social media and influencers, with the influence of digital platforms being stronger among younger generations. It should be noted that the FocusBari survey aimed to explore and understand modern perceptions of beauty in Greece, within the framework of the 48th COSMOESTETICA.

In detail, fashion and beauty occupy the second place in the top five online destinations of Greek women, at 41%, followed by the food and drink category, which shows a percentage of 42%. Regarding how regularly they visit beauty websites, the answer is regularly, at least once a week. In online shopping, clothes and apparel dominate at 71% and beauty and cosmetic products follow at 54%.

Quality and safety remain non-negotiable and are the most timeless and important criteria for Greek women when choosing beauty products, remaining loyal to what they know and trust.