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Insurance companies: Premium production up 8.7% in 2024

Πηγή φωτ. Ένωση Ασφαλιστικών Εταιριών Ελλάδος (ΕΑΕΕ)

"In 2024, the upward trend of the insurance market continued in terms of premium production, both in general insurance and life insurance," said Alexandros Sarrigeorgiou, president of AAEE, commenting on the results of the survey

The Greek insurance market showed an increase in premium production by 8.7% in 2024 compared to the previous year, according to the survey conducted by the Hellenic Association of Insurance Companies (AAEE).

In detail:

  • Non-Life Insurance increased by 9.4%, reaching 2.95 billion euros
  • Life Insurance increased by 7.9%, reaching 2.73 billion euros

“In 2024, the upward trend of the insurance market continued in terms of premium production, both in general insurance and life insurance,” said Alexandros Sarrigeorgiou, president of AAEE, commenting on the results of the survey.

As he noted, “there was demand for insurance in many sectors, with particular emphasis on property insurance, civil liability, health and investment-linked life plans. It is worth noting that the increase in premium production was significantly higher than inflation, confirming the strong growth of the sector. This development shows that more and more citizens understand the value of insurance, as a substantial investment for the future and are turning to it for their protection.”