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Shipping: Bunker vessels on the “compass” of pioneers

Greek shipowners are opening up to bunker vessels that will supply commercial ships with LNG as fuel

Greek shipowners are opening up new markets, responding to the challenges of the new era.

Pioneers as always – with LNG carriers at the beginning of the 21st century – they are now focusing, in addition to traditional ones, on markets such as ships that support offshore platforms (for mining and wind turbines).

Recently, they are also opening up to bunker vessels that will supply commercial ships with LNG as fuel.

Golden Union

Such an example is Golden Union. The company is collaborating with SeaKapital Holdings in order to build six ships to supply liquefied natural gas as marine fuel.

The two groups created the joint venture Continental Kapital Union Holding Co for LNG Bunkering vessels with a carrying capacity of 20,000 cbm.

According to what shipbrokers report, the agreement was signed with Ningbo Xinle.


In the same market, Evalend Shipping also made a move, which, according to shipping sources, ordered four LNG bunker ships, worth approximately 370 million dollars.

HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering said in a statement that it signed a contract worth 370 million dollars for the construction of four 18,000 cubic centimeter LNGBV ships.