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Miele Hellas: Leading role in the Adria Aegean Cluster

Based on the company's planning, the target of 100 million euros in turnover in 2030 will be achieved earlier

Miele Hellas takes on a leading role in the Adria Aegean Cluster, which includes Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina along with Greece, Cyprus, Albania, North Macedonia and Kosovo, the markets of which the company has been overseeing for 5 years.

In total, Miele Hellas will coordinate 8 countries, following the traditional philosophy of the parent company, which is summarized in “Immer Besser”, which means always better.

As Miele’s owners, Dr Markus Miele and Dr Reinhard Zinkann, emphasized, “the creation of the new Adria Aegean Cluster strengthens our presence in Southeast Europe, improves operational efficiency and aligns with our strategic goals for growth and innovation.”

At the same time, they underlined their confidence in the management team and the people of Miele Hellas.

On his part, Thanos Kyriazis, Managing Director of the new Miele Cluster Adria Aegean, noted that “the development marks a strengthened regional operating structure, ensuring increased efficiency and greater synergy between markets. The expected total turnover of the cluster in 2025 will exceed 70 million euros with further development of distribution channels and product categories in all the markets in which we operate. It is the only opportunity for the Greek subsidiary to play a key role at the level of a larger geographical region.”

Based on the company’s planning, the target of 100 million euros in turnover in 2030 will be achieved earlier, after the creation of the new country cluster.