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Hellenic Association of Insurance Companies: The aim is to bring private insurance in Greece up to European levels

Significant steps have been taken to fill the insurance gap, but the needs are still pressing

Greece’s private insurance must reach European levels, according to the president of the Hellenic Association of Insurance Companies, Alexandros Sarrigeorgiou.

He noted that significant steps have been taken to fill the insurance gap, but the needs are still pressing.

He reiterated that the risks of climate change require collective action, while, as he noted, beyond the case of natural disasters, special emphasis must also be placed on the health and pension sectors.

“We are waiting for actions to reduce our costs”

The problems, as he said, are great, while he emphasized that insurance companies, in the past, proceeded to limited increases in health sector contracts – even though the sector is unprofitable for them – in order to help citizens.
“We have requested measures from the government and are expecting actions to reduce our costs. We are optimistic that the government will respond,” he stressed.
Last year the production of premiums was slightly below six billion euros, but the sector gave compensations of 2.5 billion euros.
Referring to the seismic activity near Santorini, he wished that everything would go well.
Finally, regarding uninsured vehicles, he stated that the process for identifying them has recently begun, with their number estimated by the insurance market to be around 500,000.