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HELMEPA: Steadfast commitment to sustainable and safe ports

ELIME and HELMEPA are already collaborating within the framework of the international initiative METAVASEA, which involves more than 100 maritime organizations from the Eastern Mediterranean

A new innovative action will be explored within the framework of the ELIME-HELMEPA collaboration.

It concerns the creation of interactive spaces in ports, with the aim of inspiring visitors to take action to protect the marine environment, acting as beacons of environmental awareness and sensitization.

In the context of the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the Hellenic Ports Association (ELIME) and the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELMEPA), the President of HELMEPA, Semiramis Paliou, emphasized: “Through our cooperation with ELIME, we strengthen our commitment to sustainable and safe ports and we are particularly pleased that port workers benefit from the HELMEPA Academy programs by gaining knowledge on critical topics for the sector, such as safe port operations, pollution prevention and emergency management, alternative fuels, electrification and cybersecurity, preparation for Port State Control, the implementation of ESG practices, as well as the enhancement of soft skills, among others.”

The targets

The aim is closer cooperation between the two organizations on issues of sustainable development, marine pollution, maritime safety, decarbonization of ports, circular economy in Greek ports, application of new technologies and, in general, raising awareness among citizens and stakeholders on issues of protection and prevention of the marine environment.

ELIME and HELMEPA are already collaborating within the framework of the international initiative METAVASEA, which involves more than 100 maritime organizations from the Eastern Mediterranean. The initiative maps the existing infrastructure and highlights the new skills required for the decarbonization of shipping. Through specialized education and retraining programs, emphasis is placed on strengthening seafarers, port workers and shipping executives on critical issues, such as the transition to new fuels, maritime safety, digital upgrading, soft skills and environmental leadership.