The Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE) estimated in its quarterly report an annual growth of +2.4% in 2025, at the same levels as last year.
A more moderate strengthening of employment is expected this year, due to the upward trend in consumption, investments and individual sectors of industry and services. The unemployment rate for 2024, according to IOBE estimates, is expected to be close to 10.1% and around 9.3% in 2025.
The rate of change of the CPI stood at 2.7% in 2024 (3.0% for the HICP), from a rise of 3.5% (4.2% for the HICP) a year earlier. The strengthening of prices is mainly due to the positive effect of domestic demand, as well as the persistent inflationary pressure on basic necessities, such as food.
IOBE estimated that prices will remain on a milder upward trajectory in 2025, close to 2.4%, mainly due to consumer demand. However, recent developments in the global environment, both political and geopolitical, are causing strong uncertainty.
Concerns about Trump’s policy
During the presentation of the report, the president of IOBE, Yiannis Retsos, referred to concerns as a result of the policy change expected by the new US administration, in areas such as the economy, international trade and environmental actions, with effects on the international economy and in particular on the competitiveness and prospects of the European economy.