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Gerapetritis: Greece is becoming more powerful with an important diplomatic footprint

Πηγή φωτ: ΙΝΤΙΜΕ, Λιάκος Γιάννης

"In view of Greece's participation, as an elected member of the Security Council of the United Nations, Greece becomes more powerful, and its diplomatic footprint becomes extremely important"

The 79th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York was concluded and Greece had the opportunity to hold very important meetings, as the country’s international footprint is extremely important to New York, Foreign Affairs Minister George Gerapetritis underlined.

“We had the opportunity to talk with Foreign Ministers from all over Europe, from the Arab world, from the United States. It was an opportunity to highlight the issues that are currently at the center of attention, such as the crisis in the Middle East, Ukraine and other burning issues,” he said and added:

“We had the opportunity to talk with international organizations and see the situation of the international security architecture today. As well as with Foreign Ministers of major countries, such as China and India.

In view of Greece’s participation, as an elected member of the Security Council of the United Nations, Greece becomes more powerful, and its diplomatic footprint becomes extremely important.

It is a time of responsibility and we will assume this responsibility in order to fulfill the important role, which is reserved for Greece on the international stage.”