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World Bank: Greece ranks second in terms of optimal PPP procurement methods

Among the criteria taken into account for the ranking of the countries was healthy competition, economic efficiency and transparency

Greece ranked second worldwide in terms of optimal procurement strategy in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects, according to the “Benchmarking Infrastructure Development 2024” Report of the World Bank, Alternate Minister of National Economy and Finance, Nikos Papathanasis, said.

Among the criteria taken into account for the ranking of the countries was healthy competition, economic efficiency and transparency.

According to the Ministry of National Economy and Finance, the department of the Public-Private Partnerships has developed innovative ways of financing the projects. The participation of European Banks (EIB, EBRD) in the financing of the projects, the combination of European and private resources and the utilization of financial tools, are proven best practices, showcasing Greece as one of the most innovative countries in the financing of PPP projects.

Alternate Minister of National Economy and Finance, Nikos Papathanasis, stated: “This top position on the world map by the World Bank comes in the wake of similar positive evaluations for the course of the economy and the country in general by international and European institutions.

It is another vote of confidence for Greece and highlights the efficiency of the policy followed by the government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

It proves that growth is not accidental, but the result of the implementation of a specific plan, with targeting, coordination and hard work.

However, it also represents the best answer to the numerous complaints about lack of transparency and inefficiency in tendering procedures, in this case Public-Private Partnerships.

Utilizing every available euro, we continue to attract investments, improve infrastructure and the daily life of our fellow citizens, but above all, create new jobs with the aim of increasing incomes for everyone.”