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BoG: Current account deficit up 1.3 bln euros-tourist receipts soar to 11 bln euros

The goods balance deficit increased due to the simultaneous decrease in exports and increase in imports

The current account deficit increased by 1.3 billion euros in January-July 2024 compared to the corresponding period last year, while tourism receipts rose by 5.6%, rising to 10.952 billion euros.

More specifically, the current account deficit increased by 1.3 billion euros year-on-year and stood at 8.6 billion euros.

Lower exports – Higher imports

The goods balance deficit increased due to the simultaneous decrease in exports and increase in imports. At current prices, exports of goods decreased by 1.3% (‑4.3% at constant prices) and imports of goods increased by 4.1% (4.8% at constant prices). In particular, at current prices, exports of goods without fuel showed a decrease of 2.7%, while the corresponding imports recorded an increase of 5.4% (‑5.6% and 5.7% at constant prices respectively).

Double-digit jump in tourist arrivals

According to the Bank of Greece (BoG), the surplus of the balance of services widened, due to the improvement primarily of the balance of travel services and secondarily of the balances of transport and other services. Compared to the January-July 2023 period, non-resident arrivals increased by 11.2% and related receipts by 5.6%.