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Coastal shipping: Green transition begins from the islands of barren line


A meeting was held in the presence of Minister, Christos Stylianidis, on the pre-study regarding the PPP project "Consultant for the Pre-feasibility study for a Green Ferries PPP"

One of the main pillars of the Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy Ministry’s development policy is the green transition of shipping.

For this reason, a meeting was held in the presence of Minister, Christos Stylianidis, on the pre-study regarding the PPP project “Consultant for the Pre-feasibility study for a Green Ferries PPP”.

The preliminary study is expected to be completed in eight months, and its budget amounts to 280,000 euros.

The study focuses on coastal public service connections, with the development of a PPP model and the use of “green” ships.

This study is the first stage of the action foreseen in the “Transportation 2021-2027” Sectoral Program/NSRP. The initial budget of the action is 80,000,000 euros and may rise to 360,000,000 euros.

Also in collaboration with the Public Private Partnership Unit (PPP) of the Ministry of Finance, a request has been submitted to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for the provision of technical assistance and specialist consultancy services.

The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy, Christos Stylianidis, stated: “The development of an innovative Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model that will renew our country’s aging coastal shipping fleet, utilizing ‘green’ ships in coastal connections, is a decisive step towards sustainable development and strengthening the interconnectivity of our island regions.

A very important project for the ministry begins, developing the appropriate financial framework to support Greek shipping in the renewal of the fleet for the barren lines.

By promoting green technology and ensuring the coastal shipping connection of barren lines, we are showing in practice our commitment to a future where Greek shipping will be a pioneer and sustainable partner.”