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Sarantis: Collaboration with Amazon – Emphasis on exports to the US

As part of its strategy for higher sales and profits, the Group is focused on optimizing and strengthening its product portfolio, leveraging its strong brand awareness in its strategic product categories across its geographic region

Sarantis is focusing on the expansion of its exports to the USA through Amazon, placing particular emphasis on the availability of Carroten sunscreen products, the company’s management said during a briefing to analysts.

The collaboration between Sarantis and Amazon started in the first half of 2024 and is expected to further develop. Based on the motto “we care about the future in the same way we care about the present”, Sarantis management focused on renewing confidence in achieving its goals for 2024, presenting the main pillars of its strategy and its positive results.


As part of its strategy for higher sales and profits, the Group is focused on optimizing and strengthening its product portfolio, leveraging its strong brand awareness in its strategic product categories across its geographic region.

Investments are made in supporting actions and innovation programs at the level of product development with an emphasis on targeted strategic initiatives. In the last three years, the Group has focused its attention on the HERO product portfolio, i.e. high value products in our strategic categories, which can lead to further profitability and sustainable growth of the Group.

Towards this end, low-priority and low-value-added products were discontinued and targeted support costs incurred in the HERO product portfolio. The group expects this strategic policy to continue to have a significant positive impact on its growth prospects. In addition, it is working to improve its operational efficiency and effectiveness by placing emphasis on streamlining processes in the supply chain, investing in automation, infrastructure and systems.

Overall, the Group managed to improve its working capital requirements as a percentage of sales compared to the levels of the last year period, which highlights its ability to effectively manage the working capital cycle and reflects its commitment to maintain a healthy cash flow position.