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Athens hotels: Occupancy rates drop in July

In the seven-month period January-July, the average occupancy rate stood at 77.2% versus 75.3% in 2023

Average occupancy rates in Athens hotels decreased by 1.9% in July 2024 compared to 2023 and 2023.

In the seven-month period January-July, the average occupancy rate stood at 77.2% versus 75.3% in 2023.

This change results mainly from the positive course of the first months of 2024 and not, as one would expect, from the tourist peak quarter (May–June–July), which traditionally records an increase in average occupancy and not a decrease.

The Athens, Attica and Argosaronic Hotel Association is optimistic over the course of August and the figures are awaited with special interest.

Average price – Average income

The positive news, according to the Association, concerns the average price of hotels and the average revenue per available room which moved higher.

More specifically, an average occupancy rate of 87.2% was recorded in July 2024. It is recalled that from the beginning of 2024 to date, only June 2024 recorded high occupancy rates (91.7%), while May, although a peak month for Athens, appeared with a negative sign in occupancy by -2.7% compared to 2023. The same was observed in June, i.e. a small deviation of the average occupancy of up to -1.5% compared to June 2023.