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Masoutis: The reduction of taxation on businesses, beneficial for the market and the state

"We are pleased to hear government sources talking about a further reduction in employee contributions"

The prime minister has admitted injustices and mistakes in the current taxation regime of the self-employed. Therefore, brave corrective actions are expected from the government, according to the Central Union of Chambers (KEEE), whose 16 proposals to the prime minister, in view of the 88th TIF, include a reduction in corporate taxation.

“These actions must not of course threaten the fiscal balance,” the Union noted.

“Modern technology can provide valuable assistance to the government in the fight against tax evasion. However, there is much room for improvement. We remind you of the Prime Minister’s commitment to abolish the pretense tax as of 2025. We also look forward to the implementation of the government’s commitment to offer incentives for business mergers as well as special incentives for investments in sustainable production and operation (recycling, environmentally friendly vehicles, and others)”, the president of KEEE, Ioannis Masoutis, underlined.

“We are pleased to hear government sources talking about a further reduction in employee contributions. This is a measure that has been applied in the past with absolutely positive results. At the same time, we would also like to hear decisions concerning the reduction of the corporate tax rate, as a measure that aligns with the government’s principle,” Masoutis added.