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Union of Cruise Ship Owners proposes measures to tackle overtourism

The number of ships approaching Greek ports for this year is estimated to reach 5,500 ships, with the number of passengers - tourists exceeding 6 million

The Union of Cruise Ship Owners proposed measures that must be taken for the movement of millions of passengers – tourists in a way that avoids the problem of hypertourism.

The number of ships approaching Greek ports for this year is estimated to reach 5,500 ships, with the number of passengers – tourists exceeding 6 million.

More specifically, it proposed:

-The creation of a national plan – strategy for the development of the cruise.

-The faithful implementation of the cruise ship berth allocation control system with criteria to be defined by the competent local authorities.

-The cooperation with the representatives of the management companies, for the development of additional points of interest in the important cruise destinations.

-The increase in port fees should be done gradually, with a warning to users at least one year before the start of their application.

-The improvement of infrastructure, where required, with a view to preserving the character and sustainable development of the destination.

-Measures for the protection of the environment which are a top pursuit of the cruise industry.

-The protection of passengers – tourists from the high temperatures created by the climate crisis, with the construction of lounges in the ports, suitably air-conditioned.