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Independent Authority Labor Inspectorate: Large number of violations detected in Digital Work Card

The data in the seven months (January-July) of the current year, show that in the labor relations sector, out of a total of 7,024 violations detected and recorded, 1,129 (percentage 16.07%) concerned the use of the new real-time recording model of working hours

In terms of the violations detected in the labor market, the Digital Card is in second place, as it appears from the inspections carried out by the Independent Authority Labor Inspectorate.

The data in the seven months (January-July) of the current year, show that in the labor relations sector, out of a total of 7,024 violations detected and recorded, 1,129 (percentage 16.07%) concerned the use of the new real-time recording model of working hours.

Only violations for personnel lists (2,007) were more in the corresponding period. A similar picture was also found in July, the month when the expansion of the Digital Card began in retail trade and industry, two of the largest sectors of the economy.

Despite the fact that, informally, the Labor Inspectors had been instructed to avoid imposing fines in the specific sectors, for cases of overtime, however, during the given month, a total of 1,079 violations were recorded, of which 194 (17.97%) concerned the Digital Card.