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Athens stock exchange: The winners and the losers of the summer


Of course, there are quite a few Cap and Mid Cap stocks that manage to outperform and be the exception that proves the rule

The Athens General Index has remained almost unchanged in the last quarter, which coincides with the three summer months of the year, confirming for another year that investors refuse to take additional risk in the midst of summer.

Of course, there are quite a few Cap and Mid Cap stocks that manage to outperform and be the exception that proves the rule.

7+2 stocks that stand out

The Cenergy share has achieved a cumulative rise of 10% during the quarter, having temporarily reached the psychological limit of 10 euros.

OPAP’s share has also strengthened by at least 10%, during the summer season, which has returned to more than 16 euros, leaving behind the year’s lows of 14.2 euros (21/6).

OTE’s continues its upward trend, having soared almost 9% in the June-August quarter.

The share of Titan Cement moves steadily close to the record levels of 33 euros, counting gains of 8.7% compared to the end of May.

As far as the banks are concerned, the Piraeus share has risen by 8% in the June-August period.

Lamda Development has also gained 6% and recovered above 7 euros, while GEK TERNA, thanks to the +5.3% of the last quarter, has exceeded the 24-year high (17.5 euros).

Double-digit drop for ‘4’

On the other hand, the shares of Jumbo, Ellaktor, Helleniq Energy and Motor Oil recorded double-digit losses, which did not experience the most ideal… summer – each for its own separate reason.

Jumbo, which paid the price for the downward revision, has lost 14.3%, Ellaktor has fallen 18% on the return of capital of 0.50 euros, while the two refiners have fallen 14%-18% on the extraordinary levy in 2023 profits.

The stocks that stood out in the June-August period

·   Dimand +15.5%

• Kri Kri +10.8%

• Cenergy +10.2%

• OPAP +10.2%

• OTE +8.7%

• Titan Cement +8.7%

• Piraeus +8.0%

• Lamda Development +6%

• GEK TERNA +5.3%