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Mitsotakis launches series of meetings ahead of TIF; government program to be based on three pillars


The government is expected to signal a restart in September, after a summer of multiple challenges, while the first polls to be released in September are eagerly awaited

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is expected to begin a series of meetings on Monday that will last until early September in order to finalize the package of measures to be announced at the 88th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF).

The government is expected to signal a restart in September, after a summer of multiple challenges, while the first polls to be released in September are eagerly awaited.

The message that the Prime Minister will send in his speech in Thessaloniki is that there is no reform fatigue and the implementation of the New Democracy program will proceed at an intensive pace.

In particular, according to sources, the program will focus on three pillars:

In the field of the economy, special focus will be placed on the support measures that will be implemented in the next period. According to government officials, the measures will be aligned to the current fiscal policy.

The government will prioritize a series of problems that are becoming more and more intense (e.g. demographics, housing). In particular, it is mulling measures to address the demographic problem and more specifically measures to support young couples and families with three children.

One of the government’s most critical bets is to address the housing problem, as rent prices have skyrocketed.

The government places special emphasis on dealing with problems related to the everyday life of citizens, such as education (digital school), the safety of citizens, the faster delivery of Justice, etc.
Kyriakos Mitsotakis underlined at the last cabinet meeting in July that “our interventions have a double reference: on the one hand immediate improvement of the citizen’s daily life and on the other important reforms that correct long standing problems that hinder our progress.”