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Millennials ‘hold the key’ to e-commerce

The older generation of Baby Boomers (65-79) is very familiar with e-commerce and, despite the fact that it does not reach the levels of use of younger age groups, shows a great interest

The generation of Millennials (ages 30-49) holds the first place in the total monthly purchases of e-commerce in Greece, according to a survey carried out by Nexi on the consumption habits of Greeks and especially on the e-commerce sector.

A small difference is recorded in Generation X (ages 50-64) and the youngest, Generation Z (ages 18-29), according to the Nexi survey.

But particularly impressive is the fact that the older generation of Baby Boomers (65-79) is very familiar with e-commerce and, despite the fact that it does not reach the levels of use of younger age groups, shows a great interest in e-commerce, not far from them.

According to Nexi, one key factor influencing consumers when shopping online, regardless of age, is the lowest price. There are, however, some significant differences in priorities in each generation. Finding a better deal gives every consumer new possibilities to find what suits them best with just a few clicks. However, lower prices are not the only reason why consumers prefer e-commerce – on the contrary, there are several factors that make them choose it.


Some reasons people choose e-commerce are time saving, the simplicity of the process, the largest range of products, the possibility of making purchases 24 hours a day and the ease of comparing prices between many online stores.

As trends around the world show, global markets have gained a significant momentum, with only 40% of consumers shopping exclusively in Greece – with many shoppers looking for bargains in other countries, showing a particular preference for China and Germany. Greek consumers, however, wish to support their country’s businesses as well as seek better opportunities in foreign markets.

The choice of payment method also differs from generation to generation, but it also depends on the factors that shape the preference of a particular payment method. Certain payment methods are preferred more by some generations and less by others. Younger generations prefer digital and faster payment options, older generations do accept them, but still feel much safer with a more traditional payment method. The only thing certain is that the more options there are, the more secure the consumer feels and the easier it will be to make a purchase.