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‘Hellenic Shipping Association of Hamburg’ established with 67 founding members

ENSA is open to the accession of new members, natural or legal persons (companies), based on the relevant provisions of its statute.

The “Hellenic Shipping Association of Hamburg” (ENSA) was established in the shipping “capital” of Germany. It is a non-profit association under German law, with 67 founding members.

According to article 2.1 of the statute, its purpose is:

  • Cultivating and promoting the importance of Greek shipping in Germany.
  • Highlighting the importance of Greek shipping, including Greek seamen, for world trade and, by extension, for the world economy.
  • The professional, social, interpersonal, cultural and spiritual development and promotion of its members.
  • The development and strengthening of relations between the Greek and German shipping industry.

This purpose is achieved in a variety of ways (Article 2.2 of the statute), such as the development of friendly interpersonal and professional relations between members, cooperation in the field of maritime studies, the search for bodies to grant scholarships to young people, the development of charitable activity and the protection of the marine environment.

ENSA is open to the accession of new members, natural or legal persons (companies), based on the relevant provisions of its statute.