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Tourism: Bookings in Northern Greece and the Peloponnese slump


Although reservations for August are generally better than that of July, the presidents of Hotel Associations and other tourist organizations pointed out in "Naftemporiki" that this year proves in practice that it does not have the same momentum as last year

Several famous summer destinations in Greece, both in Macedonia and in Southern Greece, recorded a “decline” in bookings and overnight stays instead of an increase in July.

Although reservations for August are generally better than that of July, the presidents of Hotel Associations and other tourist organizations pointed out in “Naftemporiki” that this year proves in practice that it does not have the same momentum as last year.

It is also worth noting that the reductions were recorded both in hotels and in apartments, while in some destinations, such as Halkidiki, short-term rentals recorded a large increase.

Also noteworthy is the lower number of Romanian tourists to Northern Greece compared to last year.

On his part, the president of the Peloponnese Tourist Organization, Konstantinos Marinakos, spoke of a significant drop of tourist traffic in the Peloponnese in July, despite the upward trend that was noticed in the two months of May-June.

The drop – fluctuating at 20% – was mainly recorded among Greek tourists, which is also the first market for the resorts of the Peloponnese (the Peloponnese has a mixture of tourists 65% from the Greek market – 35% from abroad).