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Greece-Germany: Strengthening their economic cooperation

Invitation to the business communities of Greece and Germany to enhance their cooperative initiatives aiming at the strengthening of both economies

“Greece and Germany are working together in the economy” was the message of the anniversary event of the German-Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce for the completion of 100 years since its establishment.

An invitation to the business communities of Greece and Germany to enhance their cooperative initiatives aiming at the strengthening of both economies, was addressed by the Minister of State, Makis Voridis and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs responsible for Economic Diplomacy and Openness, Kostas Fragogiannis.

Taking part in the event, the representative of the Central Union of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK), member of the Executive Board of the organization and from January 1, 2025 the new Director General of the Hellenic German Chamber, Dr. Ilja Nothnagel, congratulated the German- Hellenic Chamber on the 100th anniversary of its establishment, characterizing its action as particularly worthy.

“Greece can look back with pride on the many good – and sometimes difficult – years of its history. The Chamber will remain an important factor in supporting German-Greece economic relations, as well as an important member of the global network of 150 bilateral chambers of commerce, delegations and representative offices in 93 countries,” he said.

Commenting on the Greek economy, he underlined that the signs for its course are positive. As he said, “the reforms are bearing fruit and Athens will vigorously support the further improvement of the already good bilateral economic cooperation. German companies in Greece are recording significant successes, while they will remain loyal to the country even in times of crisis. Today, they are in a privileged position to benefit from the development of the economy, together with their Greek partners. Geostrategically, the country is in an ideal position to become a logistics hub in Southeast Europe and in general to assume a central role in the region.”