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ONEX Group joins the Green Award Foundation initiative 

The Green Award is a voluntary quality assessment certification scheme that inspects and certifies ships

ONEX Shipyards, which operates the Syros and Elefsis shipyards, joined the Green Award Foundation initiative that promotes sustainable and safe shipping.

ONEX will provide incentives to certified shipping companies that lead the way in demonstrating responsibility in ensuring ship safety, environmental management of shipping as well as decent work policies that promote the well-being of their staff and crew.

The Green Award is a voluntary quality assessment certification scheme that inspects and certifies ships. Green Award Incentive Providers are defined as ports, shipping organizations and suppliers of shipping services/products that want to support and improve the environmental performance and safety of ships and promote the highest quality standards.

“We are proud to welcome ONEX Shipyards to the Green Award scheme to ensure quality shipbuilding and repair services. The sustainable future of our planet is not only a matter of individual actions, but depends on collective activity,” Captain Dimitris Matthaiou, chairman of the board of the Green Award Foundation, stated.