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Greece’s total gaming revenue reaches 36.06 billion euros in 2023

As the president of the Commission Dr. Dimitris Tzanatos emphasized, out of the five, the three main pillars concern the gaming market.

The long-term planning of the Hellenic Gaming Commission (2023-2027) for the reform of the gambling market is based on five pillars, according to the Commission’s Activity Report (2023), which was recently submitted to the president of the parliament.

As the president of the Commission Dr. Dimitris Tzanatos emphasized, out of the five, the three main pillars concern the gaming market.

The first identifies what needs to be done to optimize the positive social footprint of the games market and minimize the negative social impacts of games, based on the establishment of a high-quality Observatory.

The second concerns the limitation of widespread illegal gambling, in which 10% of the adult population participates.

A stable structure is required, which will operate on a permanent basis with a strategic plan, uniting the forces of all the agencies involved.

The third focuses on strengthening investments, promoting innovation in the gaming market, supporting the viability of businesses in the gaming market, such as for example the problematic sector of operating casinos, continuous monitoring and support for the completion of ongoing investments, such as the casinos in Elliniko, Marousi and Crete, the connection of the gaming market with the educational system, the attraction of young scientists and many other actions.

The other two pillars include the adequate staffing, the organizational restructuring and the strengthening of the Commission’s logistical infrastructure to enhance, among other things, its supervisory, guiding and controlling role as well as the continuous development of the Commission’s extroversion.

Based on the data, the total gaming revenue (TGR) of the gaming market in Greece reached 36.06 billion euros in 2023, recording an increase of 23.35% compared to 2022.

Accordingly, the gross gaming revenue (GGR) amounted to 2.59 billion euros, up 10.49% compared to 2022. Games conducted online (remote gambling) occupy a share of 74.91% of the total TGR, while land based games occupy a share of 25.09%. In terms of GGR, games conducted online (remote gambling) occupy a total share of 33.46% while those conducted on land (land based) 66.54%.

The total revenues of the Greek State from the conduct of this kind of games amounted to 905,340,730 euros in 2023.