Greece is faced with the risk of receiving less EU funds from the NSRF 2028-2034, compared to the previous and the current period.
Any loss of resources that will have significant effects on the economy, but also on society, will not be the result of the government’s policy. On the contrary, the financial staff is well aware of what is going on and is oriented towards forming relationships that will strengthen the European cohesion policy, through which EU funds are distributed to the countries of the European Union.
The problem for the next period is created by the toxic environment that exists at the pan-European level and which is reflected in the rise of the extreme right and the abandonment of political solidarity between the EU member states, by the bloc of countries called “frugals”, among others Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Denmark and Sweden.
This is the reason why the result of the European elections on June 9 is critical as it will determine the European course in the coming years.
The countries of the “frugals”
The bloc of “frugals” also has the responsibility for the future of the EU funds. These countries for political and economic reasons want a limited cohesion policy.
That means reducing as much as possible the resources received by the economically weaker countries.
Therefore, the bloc will attempt to contain the cohesion policy budget for the period 2028-2034. The argument of the specific countries, which did not attach any particular importance to the utilization of the NSRF funds allocated to them due to their developed economies (in contrast to Greece and the rest of the countries of the South, for which they are very important development tools), they are no longer willing to pay the … “lazy” citizens of the South.
Their stance is expected to harden in March 2025, when the EU Commission will present its proposals for the 2028-2034 cohesion policy and will culminate in June 2025, when the proposal for the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework will be submitted, which will also determine the budget for the period 2028-2034.