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Grant Thornton: Less than half of Greek businesses have a clear digital transformation strategy

More than seven in ten businesses are using data analytics technologies and cloud services, while robotics and automation are recognized by almost 70% of participants as an opportunity for increased productivity

Under 50% of businesses in Greece currently have a clear digital transformation strategy. At the same time, only 3 out of 10 plan to invest more than 150,000 euros in such actions in the next three years. In addition, 4 out of 10 businesses appear to be looking for funding from programs such as the NSRF and the Recovery Fund, according to a survey conducted by Grant Thornton in a sample of 400 businesses, of which 240 are in Northern Greece.

The survey was presented in Thessaloniki by Christos Vargiemezis, the company’s assurance partner. Cybersecurity ranks first in the priorities of those with a digital transformation strategy, closely followed by a data exploitation strategy.

More than seven in ten businesses are using data analytics technologies and cloud services, while robotics and automation are recognized by almost 70% of participants as an opportunity for increased productivity.
66% of respondents see robotics and automation as an opportunity for better utilization of human resources and improved internal organization, but a smaller but not insignificant percentage, 23%, see it as a threat leading to job cuts.

“These findings highlight the need for a strategic management of new technologies in order to improve business processes and enhance overall company performance, with special emphasis on jobs,” Vargiemezis noted.