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Papathanassis: We implement all our commitments to citizens and partners


He underlined that "the report of the European Commission on the interim evaluation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility is another reward

“We are intensifying the reforms despite the consistently positive EU evaluation for the implementation of the Recovery Fund,” Alternate Finance Minister Nikos Papathanassis said.

Papathanassis underlined that “the report of the European Commission on the interim evaluation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility is another reward, and indeed at the highest institutional level, of the correctness and effectiveness of the policy followed by the government, as the consistently positive performance of our country in the implementation of this valuable financial tool is recognized.”

Taking into account real data from all member states, it ranks Greece among the countries that consistently advance the investments and reforms of its national plan. Our country is even encouraged to maintain this dynamic, given the increase in resources it has now secured after the relevant revision.”

Greece among the 8 member states that have submitted a request and disbursed a third payment.

According to the report, he said that “Greece is among the 8 member states that have submitted a request and disbursed a third payment, at a time when 14.7 billion euros have already flowed into our country from the Recovery Facility, i.e. 40% of the total amount.”

However, he emphasized that “we are not complacent. Despite the fact that we have implemented half of the program ‘Greece 2.0’ and despite the accusations against the policy followed, with the same seriousness, responsibility, discipline, systematicity and efficiency, we continue and intensify the inexorable implementation of all our commitments to our partners, but primarily to the Greek citizens. Aiming to support the reforms and investments that contribute to changing the country’s production model, we are making the economic development path more resilient, strengthening investments, improving infrastructure, attempting to face the challenges of the climate crisis, offering more and better-paying jobs to all our fellow citizens.”