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Mitsotakis outlines plan to render Greece an exporter of green energy


The Greek prime minister underlined the country's potential in the wind energy sector

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis outlined the government’s plan to render Greece an exporter of green energy at least to the Balkan countries during his participation in a round table discussion on the topic ‘European Green Deal, Anyone?’ at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

“We hope that, in the medium term, Greece will become an exporter of green energy, there is great interest for investments in this sector,” he said while referring to the prospect of exporting “natural gas to Ukraine.”

The Greek prime minister also underlined the country’s potential in the wind energy sector.

In particular, speaking about energy security and the role that Greece can play, the prime minister said that “currently we are a net importer of energy” focusing on the transition that is taking place in the country. “When Greece decided 4 years ago to move away from coal, we decided to use natural gas as a transition fuel. We don’t have nuclear power, so it was the only obvious choice. We spent 7 billion euros in 2022 to import natural gas. And normally the amount required is 1 billion euros,” he stated.

“We want to become an energy provider at least for the Balkan countries, through strong interconnections, pipelines, storage and liquefaction units. Our geographical position gives us this possibility,” Kyriakos Mitsotakis emphasized.