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Tight security measures in Athens ahead of Erdogan’s visit


3,500 Greek police officers will take part in the operation that will turn Athens into a veritable fortress

Strict police measures are expected in Athens ahead of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit on December 7.

More specifically, 3,500 Greek police officers will take part in the operation that will turn Athens into a veritable fortress, along with helicopters, drones and snipers that will take up positions at several points along Erdogan’s route during his stay in the Greek capital. Traffic will be interrupted in many parts of the capital.

On his upcoming visit to Greece, Erdogan said: “I hope a new era begins (between the two countries). We are trying to make more friends and less enemies.”

“We will go to Athens with a win-win approach. There, we will discuss both our bilateral relations and Turkey-EU relations in order to make decisions worthy of the spirit of the new era,” Erdogan said while speaking to journalists on board the presidential plane returning from Dubai, where he attended the COP28 climate summit.

Speaking about external influences, he said that the US supplies military equipment to Greece while withholding similar support for Turkey.