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Greece raising the bar for mineral raw materials

The final text of the National Energy and Climate Plan will be submitted by Greece on June 30, 2024

Greece sets the bar high in terms of the national energy and climate goals, with the mineral raw materials playing a crucial role. These are mainly the minerals and metals necessary to manufacture the technologically advanced products of the green transition, such as hybrid and electric cars, electronic devices and circuits, magnets, wind turbines, photovoltaic systems, device and vehicle rechargeable batteries, catalysts, fiber optic cables, electrolytic cells and fuel cells as well as heat pumps.

According to the draft of the revised National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) which has been posted on the EU website, “a strategic pursuit is the energy and climate goals set in the context of the revised National Energy and Climate Plan until the year 2030, 2040 and 2050 to be achieved in the most economically competitive way and to constitute an opportunity for development benefits for the national economy.”

The final text of the National Energy and Climate Plan will be submitted by Greece on June 30, 2024 and will be the main tool for shaping the national Energy and Climate policy in the next decade.

Objectives and research

According to the National Energy and Climate Plan,  the annual consumption of strategic critical raw materials within the EU must come at least by 10% from mining, by 15% from recycling and by 40-50% from processing of primary materials (for secondary production of finished products). Based on the updated data, more than 15 raw materials included in the List of Strategic and Critical Mineral Raw Materials have been identified in Greek territory and within Public Mining Areas (PMA), i.e. the areas where the mining right belongs to the State.