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Piraeus Port to be a springboard for dynamic Greek-German presence in maritime economy

Ο πρόεδρος του ΕΒΕΠ Βασίλης Κορκίδης (Φωτ. Paterakis Photo)

Flexible forms of private and public financing are needed so that the global shipping industry can move from the current uncertainty to a predictable phase of “green” transition, Minister of Shipping and Islands Policy, Christos Stylianidis, said at a conference entitled “Green Technologies and Digitization in the shipping industry of Greece and Germany.”

A business delegation of 12 German shipping and shipbuilding companies are visiting Piraeus on Wednesday, presenting services and products with an emphasis on digital solutions for shipping and modern technologies for building “green” ships.

Addressing a greeting, the president of the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vassilis Korkidis stressed that Piraeus hopes to keep open the “door” of cooperation with German companies, with focus on its port.

Referring to the competition between European and Asian shipbuilding units, but also to the “green transition” of shipping, he noted that the development of synergies between Greek and German companies in the production of materials and consumables for ships of all types will strengthen their presence, both in the European and in the Asian units, with a focus on the quality of the products for which both German and Greek companies are known for. Finally, he wished that Piraeus would become the “springboard” for a dynamic Greek-German presence in a sector where the German and Greek shipping economies are among the strongest in the European economy.