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Olive oil: Concern over adulteration – Sweeping inspections

EFET has been lately receiving more and more complaints about the quality of oil and is ready to deal with them in cooperation with other competent authorities.

Intensive on-site inspections and sampling in olive oil standardization facilities, in wholesale and retail businesses, are carried out by the Food Analytical and Research Laboratories (EFET), amid concerns over oil adulteration.

EFET has been lately receiving more and more complaints about the quality of oil and is ready to deal with them in cooperation with other competent authorities.

“The adulteration of olive oil is a fraud that causes financial losses to consumers and businesses and may pose risks to public health. Fraud undermines consumer confidence, threatens the orderly functioning of the market and has serious implications for legitimate trade and legitimate businesses.”

How can consumers be protected

In order to protect themselves from fraud, EFET recommends the following to consumers and businesses:

To procure olive oil only from legal and therefore controlled points of sale.

To check the label of the olive oil they are going to buy which must contain at least: the sales category of the olive oil (EXTRA VIRGIN, VIRGIN, OLIVE OIL), the approval number of the standardization unit (EL-40-_ _ _) and the details of the person in charge of the business.

To avoid buying olive oil from street vendors (without the necessary license) and anonymous sellers.
To be careful when they choose the supply of olive oil through e-commerce, websites of productive or commercial companies that have all the guarantees for the supply of branded olive oil.

To purchase branded olive oil in packages, with a maximum capacity of 5 liters.
For businesses (restaurants, hospitals, canteens or other similar facilities) to supply branded olive oil in prepackaged packages of 5, 10, 20, 25, up to 50 liters.

To ensure that upon receipt of the olive oil they receive the legal tax receipts for its purchase.
To carefully choose their suppliers among those who have information that guarantees their reliability (business address, production facilities, validity of invoices and other documents) and the legality of the buying and selling process.

To submit a report or complaint to EFET at telephone number 11717 or on its website in the case of insufficient labeling, tempting price or peculiar characteristics of the olive oil (taste, smell, color, etc.).