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Greece to raise less funds from the market in 2024

The Greek government will follow a limited borrowing strategy in 2024. The target for raising funds from the markets next year is set at around 7 billion euros versus 9 billion euros that have been raised so far and 8.3 billion euros in 2022.
The main reasons for the lower amount that will be raised from the markets in the new year are: the high cash reserves as well as the funds that will flow into our country both from the structural funds and from the Recovery Fund.

Other reasons are the relatively limited financing needs as, according to sources, the early repayment of two installments of the loan of the first memorandum for 2024 and 2025 amounting to 5.29 billion euros is expected to be completed in mid-December.

As far as the issuance of a “green bond” is concerned, it seems to be postponed to 2024. However, the relevant procedures have started a long time since, as ‘Naftemporiki has already written, there have been specific proposals from the Environment & Energy Ministry and the Ministry of Infrastructure & Transport.