Piraeus Port Authority recorded a 48.8% increase in its pre-tax earnings to 49.4 million euros in the first half of 2023 compared to 33.2 million in the same period last year. After tax earnings jumped 49.6% to 38.7 million euros versus 25.9 million euros in 2022.
Turnover rose 10% in the sixth-month period January-June totaling 102.4 million euros, reflecting higher revenue in all sectors of activities, mainly sea cruises, where passenger traffic was almost double compared to the first half of 2022. Container traffic grew on all three piers of the port, despite challenges facing the transport sector lately.
Commenting on the results, Piraeus Port Authority’s Chairman, Yu Zenggang, expressed his content over the very positive financial results of the port and the dynamism showed in the first half of 2023, adding that balanced development and upgraded services have created an integrated, quality and high-competitiveness port.