Stefanos Kasselakis was the winner of the first round of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance elections receiving 45.47% and 51,615 votes with 90.13% of the votes counted, followed by Effie Achtsioglou who received 36.21% and 41,098 votes.
The heads of the SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance party’s Central Electoral Committee, Yiannis Drosos, announced the results late on Sunday.
As for the other three candidates, Nikos Pappas received 8.64% and 9,804 votes, Euclid Tsakalotos received 8.4% and 9,533 votes, and Stefanos Tzoumakas received 1.28% and 1,457 votes.
There were also 1,211 votes cast from abroad in more than 20 countries.
Drosos congratulated the five candidates and announced that the Electoral Committee has declared a second round of elections next Sunday between the two front runners, Achtsioglou and Kasselakis.
A total of 146,635 party members participated in the main opposition SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance elections for a new leader.