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Critical dates for the government; local administration elections and reshuffle


The discussion has also opened for a potential government reshuffle, but it seems that the decisions will be taken after the Thessaloniki International Fair

The government is focusing on its future moves following the successive crises. The next few weeks will be critical for the advancement of a number of important issues. The first critical date is September 16, when the prime minister’s speech at the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) will be held.

The prime minister’s speech was initially expected to focus on the economy and on reforms. However, it is now evident that this plan has changed and the emphasis will be placed on radical changes in civil protection.

“We will always speak the language of truth. We won’t hide anything, we won’t beautify anything, but we won’t nullify anything either,” Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis recently noted.

The period from September 20 to September 22 is also important, as the Prime Minister will be in New York for the UN General Assembly. On the sidelines of the General Assembly, Mitsotakis will meet with the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The previous meeting of the two leaders was in July in Vilnius.

During the recent meeting of the foreign ministers of the two countries, it was agreed that the political dialogue will begin on October 16, while at the same time a positive agenda will be put forward (with issues such as investments, tourism and cooperation in the field of the environment). As for the Supreme Cooperation Council, this will be held in Thessaloniki by the end of the year.

Local administration elections as scheduled

Another crucial date is October 8, when the local administration elections will take place. Government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis has recently clarified that the elections will be held as scheduled.

Government reshuffle scenarios

The discussion has also opened for a potential government reshuffle, but it seems that the decisions will be taken after the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF). The initial proposals were for a “mini” reshuffle with the aim of dealing with specific problems in the government scheme. However, there are now proposals for more extensive changes in the event that the reshuffle takes place after the local administration elections. And it remains to be seen which decision will finally prevail.