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Mitsotakis: We will do everything possible to help the flood-stricken


“We will do whatever it takes. I will also mobilize all the available EU funds so that we can have additional support, in order to cover the compensation needs of households. The recording of the damages will begin immediately,” Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis promised on Friday in the meeting with mayors of the affected areas, at the Karditsa City Hall.

The prime minister underlined: “I want you to know that we will do everything humanly possible. I understand the anger of the people. I am always here in difficult times. I am not hiding. We will support the local administration.”

He added that “we will find the money, whether it is national resources or European resources. There will be no – let me stress this – issue of finding the resources. The issue will be to proceed with the quick implementation of the projects. We will use European resources and national resources.”

An unprecedented situation

The mayors of the region spoke of an unprecedented situation and set the priorities of each municipality, with an emphasis on the rescue of citizens, especially the most vulnerable, the provision of food, the accommodation of those who have been left without homes, the restoration of electricity and water supply networks and then the recording of the damages and the need to grant compensations immediately for the restoration of damages.

Earlier, the prime minister flew over the flooded areas of Karditsa to examine the extent of the disaster.

The prime minister then arrived at the area of Trikala, where he was informed about the problems and discussed the immediate priorities.