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Acsiopolis: Investment of 40 million euros by the South African Acsion Ltd

The company is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

Acsion Ltd, founded by expatriate businessman Kyriakos Anastasiadis in South Africa, is proceeding with an investment in the former industrial property of Filkeram Johnson in Pylaia Thessaloniki that will reach 40 million euros, according to exclusive information of “Naftemporiki”.

The name of the project for the development of the specific property is “Acsiopolis”, which is a hybrid word from the words “value”, “action” and “city”, as well as the name of the company (Acsion), its project manager, Dimitris Thomas said to “Naftemporiki”.

The company is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

“We have acquired the Filkeram-Johnson property with a view to revitalizing it, as we believe its location is suitable for redevelopment into a mixed-use project, potentially comprising offices, retail as well as a medical centre. We are in the process of assessing market interest and demand for office and retail space and there appears to be a definite need for these types of projects in the short term. We are optimistic about the future of Thessaloniki and we believe that it will achieve significant growth in the next ten years,” Thomas underlined.

The company’s intention, he added, is to complete the renovation by the end of 2024 and the total investment for the completion of the project is expected to be around 40 million euros. “This investment is a foreign direct investment from our parent company in South Africa, which we believe will benefit Thessaloniki, due to the new infrastructure and jobs that will be created. In order to ensure the success of the project, we will need the support of many stakeholders, including the municipality, urban planning services and various public service departments, especially in terms of road network upgrading and permits and approvals for the project,” he stated.