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Alpha Bank: Focus on shareholders

Alpha Bank’s new strategic plan for 2023-2025, its leading position in business banking, its enhanced capital and liquidity ratios and its dividend policy, dominated the speeches of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Vasileios Rapanos and the CEO of the Group, Vassilios Psaltis, during the general shareholders meeting held on Thursday.

Psalitis presented all the qualitative elements that differentiate the bank, such as the new personnel development framework, the group’s high performance in ESG matters and, of course, the bank’s new goals.

As far as economic results are concerned, the continuously improving profitability of the bank is also reinforced by the renewed estimate for a 11% of Return on Equity (RoTE) in 2023, as the CEO of the group said in his speech.

Psaltis also referred extensively to the bank’s new strategic plan, saying that it was warmly received by the international investment community. “Having spoken to a number of investors in over 50 meetings held around the world, I can assure you that the interest expressed was clear. In this context and given the government’s commitment to proceed with the disinvestment of the Financial Stability Fund from the Greek banks, we are in an excellent position to speed up this process for Alpha Bank, with a strong response from the market,” he underlined.