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Nestle Hellas fostering the green transition

At the same time, the company will focus on the field of environmental sustainability, which it prioritizes, as it said in a statement.

Nestle Hellas will focus the company’s business strategy on the absorption of shocks and the maintenance of operating costs at low levels, but also the adaptation to any changes in demand. At the same time, the company will focus on the field of environmental sustainability, which it prioritizes, as it said in a statement.

Environmental sustainability

The green transition “presupposes the establishment of a new strategy and a new model of operation and development that respects the planet and protects natural resources for future generations.”

A holistic long-term approach is necessary with the use of new technologies, staff specialization, energy efficiency improvement, implementation of good practices and cooperation in order to achieve this green transition. In this environment, the company developed and implemented immediate and effective measures to address this new reality while taking into account changing consumer habits.

Meanwhile, the company seeks to keep costs at low levels in order to remain competitive in the market, offering consumers a wide range of innovative products that meet their needs.