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Public’s response to fines imposed for fake discounts

Greek technology and entertainment retail chain Public said that it was taken aback by the fines imposed by Development Minister Kostas Skrekas for fake discounts.

“Public respects the decision of the  Interagency for Market Control (DIMEA), although we were taken aback,” the company said in a statement.

“In addition to the self-evident defense of our rights by any legal means, the company calls the competent authorities to an open dialogue aiming at achieving full transparency in the matter of prices, ultimately for the benefit of consumers and the entire retail market,” it underlined.

“Since 2005, Public has been building relationships of trust with consumers all over Greece every day, through its physical stores as well as its website Moreover, 60 million times a year, Public’s 2,500 staff come into contact with consumers and work every day with passion, constantly upgrading their shopping experience,” it noted and added: “In an effort to inform the consumer public, Public stores were the first in Greece to add the manufacturer’s suggested price next to the product price.”

Therefore, the company has adopted transparency practices for the benefit of consumers, following the best European practices. At the same time, the company announced that “the respect that governs Public’s relations with partners, suppliers, the rest of the companies on the market, customers and of course their people, but also the faithful observance of the rules of the Law remain non-negotiable principles.”

Fines totaling 1,440,000 euros were imposed by the Interagency Market Control Unit (DIMEA) on three large chains selling electrical and electronic goods.

More specifically, it imposed:

  • A fine of 560,000 euros to the company “Plaisio Computers”.
  • A fine of 520,000 euros to the company “Public Retail”.
  • A fine of 360,000 euros to the company “Praktiker Hellas”.