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Greek mining industry a pillar of growth in 2022

The Greek mining industry aspires to become a catalytic factor of the circular economy,

The mining industry can be a pillar of Greece’s growth prospects, as the Greek Mining Enterprises Association pointed out in a letter to  Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

However, the Association stressed the importance of having the state on its side in order to help with the resolution of the sector’s problems.

It also explained that many problems remain unresolved hindering the development of the industry. Among the problems mentioned are the public administration, which in its existing structure, is unable to cope with licensing and control issues.

Moreover, the regulatory framework is constantly expanding, without much concern for its quality and coherence.

The Greek mining industry aspires to become a catalytic factor of the circular economy, both to meet domestic and international needs. According to the Greek Mining Enterprises Association, there are already important applications of the circular economy. In particular, in the bauxite sector, under the zero-waste target framework, low-grade bauxite and bauxite residues from the main feed to alumina metallurgy are being utilised.

During 2022, demand for a large part of mining and metallurgical products was high. According to the Greek Mining Enterprises Association, the increased demand led to a price increase that in several products ranged from 15% to 20% compared to 2021, pushing turnover up 12.5%.