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Government mulling intervention on the cost of ferry tickets


Government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis left open the possibility of a government initiative on the issue of increased prices for coastal ferry tickets during a press briefing on Monday. Marinakis acknowledged that this is a “serious issue”, stressing that the government is monitoring it.

When asked whether the government is considering measures to deal with the cost of ferry tickets that remain high despite the drop in fuel prices, Marinakis replied that “the government has proven that it does not leave any problem unresolved, but it proceeds with direct interventions such as those made on the issue of energy and the high prices of food. “We are monitoring the issue and you will be informed immediately about the latest moves from the government,” he added without unveiling further details.

Soaring prices and the increased cost of ferry trips are the major “thorns” of the tourist season which is expected to peak in the coming weeks with tourism market operators hoping for a recovery after the rainy weather in May and June.