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Court finds guilty all defendants in Kampanos murder case


All 12 defendants in a trial over the killing of 19-year-old Alkis Kampanos in Thessaloniki in February last year were found guilty of murder.
The court changed the offense to manslaughter. The reason has not yet been explained, although there is no particular difference in the level of penalties. The specific offense is interpreted as follows: they may not have gone there with intent to kill, however, they knew that the objects they used could lead to manslaughter.

The jury found seven of the twelve youths guilty of manslaughter and five guilty of complicity.
For the wounding of one of the friends accompanying Kampanos, the court found five people guilty of attempted murder and seven others for complicity, while for the injuring of another friend, it declared one person guilty of the attack and the others guilty of complicity.

All were also found guilty of the other offenses related to football violence.

Kampanos was violently beaten, stabbed and bled to death while two of his friends, aged 19 and 20, were injured in the deadly attack by a gang of youths in Thessaloniki on February 1, 2022.