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Greek PM Mitsotakis to present policy program


The presentation of the policy program will begin this afternoon and conclude on Saturday with the vote of confidence in the government.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis will unveil a comprehensive plan for the new four-year term – with an emphasis on the country’s growth perspective and a policy of bold reforms – in his speech to Parliament today. The presentation of the policy program will begin this afternoon and conclude on Saturday with the vote of confidence in the government.

According to sources, the prime minister will outline how he sees Greece in the coming years, based on the changes taking place all over the world. More specifically, he will focus on interventions that will unfold in five axes: Productive Greece, Social Greece, Green and Digital Greece, Fair Greece and Strong Greece. He will also refer to measures to be immediately implemented. These measures will be presented in detail by the relevant ministers over the next days.

An emphasis will be placed on the economic agenda with Mitsotakis sending a clear message of stability and growth as the government focuses on achieving the investment grade rating. It should be noted that the prime minister announced that Greece intends to repay early, specifically two years before the bailout loans of the first memorandum, sending a clear signal to the markets that the country has left the difficult years behind for good. In fact, in an interview with Bloomberg TV, he pledged to increase the incomes of Greeks closer to those of other Europeans and to accelerate the rate of debt reduction, while strengthening the use of renewable energy sources and increasing exports to 60% of GDP from 50%.