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The Greek flag high on the Paris MoU white list

The Greek flag remained in the category "first quality".

The Greek flag recorded the third best performance of the white list of the Paris MoU committee, with 617 inspections and only five ship detentions in the period 2020-2022.

According to the results of the inspections made public during its 56th meeting by the Paris MoU committee, which checks and records the compliance of ships with international safety and prevention regulations, the Greek flag remained in the category “first quality”.

The results of the 27-nation panel are based on the total number of inspections and detentions over a rolling 3-year period, while flags are ranked based on a specific list that can be white, gray or black.

Ships included in the blacklist are subject to strict inspections in any ports they approach, as previous checks show that they do not meet all international standards in matters of navigational safety, protection of the marine environment, fire safety, staffing.