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Greek telecom providers seek inflation-based increases in contracts

Phone companies are seeking a way to charge higher fees

Telecommunications providers will have the opportunity in the next two months to restructure the pricing in existing contracts with consumers, following the change of the general regulation of licenses promoted by the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT).

Based on the text that EETT has put up for public consultation for one month (until July 13), the pricing will be:

– Calculated based on the inflation of the previous calendar year, as announced by the Hellenic Statistical Authority.

– Determined once per calendar year, after the final figures of the annual inflation of the previous calendar year.

The telecommunications sector, according to EETT, is called upon to face the pressures entailed by high inflation, mainly due to the upward trend in energy costs and the significant increases in the prices of raw materials and services that are necessary for maintenance but also the further development of critical infrastructure, such as investments in the expansion of the mobile telephony network (5G) and Next Generation networks (FTTH).