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Conference tourism: Athens in top ten list

The same report said that each conference attendee spends 2,162 euros during their stay in the city

Athens rose eight places in the world ranking for conference tourism in 2022, according to a report by the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), ranking 8th.
More specifically, Athens hosted a total of 109 international conferences attended by 40,000 visitors, bringing to the Greek capital revenues of 87 million euros, based on data from the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA).

The same report said that each conference attendee spends 2,162 euros during their stay in the city, an amount four times greater than what an ordinary visitor spends.
“Athens’ 8th position in global conference tourism is the recognition of a great effort made over the last years by the Municipality of Athens to strengthen the destination in this demanding sector.

Through the municipality’s activities, Athens is dynamically presented in international markets, claims and wins conferences, significantly strengthening the local economy. The figures published by the International Congress and Convention Association are indicative of the magnitude of this distinction, which can only make us proud,” the Mayor of Athens, Kostas Bakoyannis, said in a statement.